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Securing Justice: Attorneys Chris Slusser and John Solt Achieve $850,000 Settlement for Injured Doctor

person driving in car

Attorneys Chris Slusser and John Solt recently obtained an impressive $850,000 total settlement for a woman who sustained significant injuries in a low-speed collision with a municipal plow truck. This settlement represents a recovery from the third-party tortfeasor, constrained by the Political Sub-Division Tort Claim Act, as well as the Plaintiff’s own underinsured coverage.

The Incident and Injuries

The incident occurred when the Plaintiff’s car was struck from behind by a plow truck owned by a local municipality. The impact caused her hands, which were on the steering wheel, to be thrust forward and jammed against the wheel. After seeking treatment from several physicians, she was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and post-concussive syndrome. As a practicing doctor, her ability to treat patients was severely impacted by her physical limitations and reduced stamina.

Overcoming Significant Challenges

This case presented several unique and challenging hurdles:

  1. Low-Speed Collision: The collision, while involving a plow truck and a passenger vehicle, was at a very low speed, resulting in minimal damage to the Plaintiff’s vehicle.
  2. Diagnosis of CRPS: CRPS is a particularly challenging condition to litigate because it cannot be seen like a broken bone or other visible injuries.
  3. Quantifying Wage Loss: As a self-employed doctor, accurately quantifying the Plaintiff's future wage loss required meticulous analysis.
  4. Municipal Liability Cap: The municipality’s financial liability was statutorily capped, limiting the potential recovery regardless of the extent of injuries.

Strategic Expert Testimonies

To address these challenges, the team retained top-tier experts to provide compelling testimony:

  • A board-certified neurologist specializing in CRPS.
  • A board-certified expert in brain injuries and post-concussive syndrome.
  • A family medicine specialist with extensive research on CRPS and ketamine therapy.
  • A highly credentialed vocational expert.
  • An economist to quantify the financial impact of the injuries on the Plaintiff’s medical practice.

The Outcome

Through a strategic and meticulous approach, Chris Slusser and John Solt successfully secured the most favorable settlement possible under the circumstances. This settlement provided the Plaintiff with a measure of justice for her loss, despite the numerous challenges and statutory limitations involved.

This case exemplifies the dedication and expertise required to achieve significant settlements for clients facing complex and challenging situations.
