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Slusser Law Firm Assists Small Business


Officials from Hydrodynamics pose inside the company’s new building with representatives

Officials from Hydrodynamics pose inside the company’s new building with representatives from agencies that assisted the company with obtaining small business funding for expansion. From left are, Aaron Popiak of Hydrodynamics; Jim Montone, Hazle Township supervisor; Kenny Savateri, Tracy Clark and David Popiak of Hydrodynamics; Jim Kelshaw, CAN DO Director of Economic Development & Entrepreneurship; David Nat of the NEPA Alliance, and Attorney Chris Slusser.

The Slusser Law Firm recently assisted a small business owner with his acquisition of low-interest loans and the purchase of new headquarters in Hazle Township.

The firm represented David Popiak, owner of Hydrodynamics which was founded in 1994, in his acquisition of a 5,500 square-foot facility in the Milnesville section of Hazle Township.

Through the assistance of the CAN DO finance department, Popiak secured a $56,250 low-interest loan from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and an additional $56,250 in low-interest funding through the Economic Development Administration.

Hydrodynamics is a plumbing and heating contractor.
